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Exciting news from Lauren!

Hello guys it’s me again, Lauren. I haven’t done a blog for a while now so thought I would take the opportunity to catch you all up since I am off work at the moment.

So I have some exciting news to tell you all.. I am currently expecting my first bundle of joy. I am currently 4 months along this journey, and although it has been hard at times. I can’t wait to experience the next 5 months.

So everybody probably knows that the thought of pregnancy and having seizures is probably not the best mix. My doctors reminded me of this before finding out at every appointment, but this doesn’t MEAN that it should put you off or frighten you into thinking you can’t have a baby because you absolutely can, as long as you take some more precautions.

Since finding out that I am pregnant, I have only suffered with 3 seizures, which is a huge improvement as I was having them multiple times a week before finding out I was pregnant. So what have I done differently? This is a bit of a hard question to answer really because I think a lot of it for me personally has been changing my mind set on things. So having a new perspective on stressful situations and taking that 5 minutes to breathe, especially at work and to take yourself outside and relax. There are many grounding techniques that can work for people, but for me personally I sit on the floor, taking deep breaths and try and say the alphabet backwards. This may sound silly to you but have you tried saying the alphabet backwards? For me it takes a huge amount of concentration to think about and then it naturally takes my mind of any stress or symptoms I was feeling. Also, pregnancy anyway can be extremely frightening, tiring and challenging, let alone having seizures on top of this. So now is even more of an important time to listen to your body and what it needs. For me I have probably gone a little bit over the top with this, but I want to reduce any chances of having a seizure while standing as that could result in injury for both of us. Even I have a headache or slight symptoms of a seizure I will take the day to myself, relax and lay down a lot of the day. It is important to remember that a non epileptic seizure will not harm the baby unless you fall or physically hurt yourself. So if you are one of them people who are worried or frightened about having a baby, talk to people about this because I bet you are not the only one. Talk to your doctors about it and find out everything you can about every risk that might be there, but then turn this around and think of ways you can minimise the risk yourself with the help of your family and friends. Nothing is impossible if it is something you want. Anyway, I will let you go for now, I will keep you all updated of my journey and let you all know how the seizures are doing. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and remember you are not alone.

See you soon,

Lauren x

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Guildford, UK

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